domingo, 29 de junio de 2008

!!!another podcast!!!

Hi again, this is other podcast, but this podcast is about enviroment

enviroment (podcast)
enviroment (concept)

domingo, 22 de junio de 2008


what is a podcast?? well, look that link PODCAST... that is a podcast XD

2 interestin podcast:
A Movie collection (podcast)
In my opinion, have a movie collection is very nice, you can see your favorite movie in your house, in your computer, but i like go out with my family or my friends and see a movie in the mall

Movie review (podcast)
a movie review is good when you no have any idea about the movie, but i prefer look all the movie and make my own review.
there is a concept about movie review

domingo, 15 de junio de 2008

!!!Top 10!!!

i dont have a top ten, but i show you ten movies
i like the ten movies

XD funny many movies in one title XDD

domingo, 1 de junio de 2008

hackers and crackers...



mm well i'm a hacker XD, i learn more and more information about networking, because i like that, but i don't need your personal information. All cracker is a hacker, but all hacker isn't a cracker. Darkside or LigthSide choose one...



in my opinion, we can't choose "who is beauty?", there isn't a miss world, miss venezuela or something, rigth now beauty is a synonymous of money, a good quality of clothe, many many "friends", nice skin, and other many superficial ideas, i don't i agree with that...

Uploaded on authorSTREAM by manotas

well this is my work XD, i like that but i don't know if you like my presentation but don't worry be happy XD